HealthLink to date
Story so far
At that time the founders discovered the problem of writing clinical notes for discharged patients and transferring their care back to family doctors (general practitioners). These notes, called "discharge summaries," contain a large amount of mandatory information that is often written in free-form text by the physician. Comments may contain errors. For example, a doctor may forget to provide important medical information, such as the correct dosage or course of a prescribed medication. These errors put patients' health at risk, lead to increased costs, and create liability for hospitals. To address this problem, the discharge summary was created. The tool is designed to produce accurate, timely records when patients return home. The discharge summary has been received positively and is adopted by junior doctors, consultants and other healthcare practitioners. An attempt was made to apply this insight to a broader problem: different health systems. In short, documents are often transferred in paper form to other organizations where the exchange of data does not produce a single version of the truth. Additionally, IT systems often don't interoperate; they can't talk to each other, let alone use each other's important data.
One thing is for sure: HealthLink is leading the way in blockchain applications in healthcare and the role digital health plays in our daily lives.
Current Developments
The proof of concept is in its final phase and the development is now focused on design and UX/UI experience.The core of the application, HealthLink’s secure API and blockchain, is ready for the release of the Beta. The nodes setup and operated during the Beta are run by HealthLink, but over time HealthLink will include other nodes onto its network. Several of these conversations are underway already with hospitals, universities and non-profit organisations.
Collaborative Design
To enhance the user experience of HealthLink a range of global advisors have been selected to work on specific use cases. Expert patients, doctors, health professionals, health providers, insurance and pharmaceutical companies will take part in system design consultation with blockchain developers. The Beta release will enable testing of each use case, with the trialling community providing feedback via the platform.
Last updated